PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC (WBTW) – Midway Fire Rescue is the home of the tallest ladder engine in the state of South Carolina.

At 137 feet ladder 814 can reach a building 16 stories high.

“It’s 137 feet and it is the tallest ladder built out of any fire apparatus manufacturer,” said Assistant Fire Chief James Crawford.

While it’s height is the most impressive in the state, Midway needed it’s reach more than anything.

“We actually got it for the reach. From street to housing and buildings. Most of our setbacks are 60 to 80 feet from the street and this ladder will easily cover that,” said Crawford.

The truck has some of the most advanced technology in the country.

A thermal camera is attached to the ladder and can track a person in need on both land and in water.

The truck is also flood resistant.

“All the electrical components are mounted as high as possible,” said Crawford.

Ladder 814 pays tribute to the Grand Strand with a painted sea turtle mural.

It’s also dedicated to Battalion Chief Josh Carney who died from job related cancer.

“[Carney] helped design a lot of our trucks and unfortunately he was not able to participate in this program with this truck so we felt the need to dedicate this truck solely in his honor,” said Crawford.

Midway Fire Rescue will assist in mutual aid with 814 to any fire department along the Grand Strand if needed.

“We’re very willing to participate in mutual aid, so if any fire department on the Grand Strand would wish to use his vehicle, we’re happy to send it to them,” said Crawford.

Ladder 814 is now commissioned for the next 15 years.