COLUMBIA, S.C. (WBTW) — DHEC announced Thursday 361 new cases of COVID-19 and seven new deaths, bringing the total cases to date to 13,005 and the total deaths to 525.
One death was an elderly individual in Florence County, according to DHEC.
County breakdown:
- Horry: 14 new
- Marion: 1 new
- Dillon: 5 new
- Marlboro: 4 new
- Darlington: 3 new
- Florence: 6 new
- Georgetown: 0 new
New cases in all counties: Abbeville (1), Aiken (5), Allendale (1), Anderson (13), Bamberg (4), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (10), Calhoun (3), Charleston (32), Cherokee (4), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (1), Colleton (6), Darlington (3), Dillon (5), Dorchester (8), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (9), Florence (6), Greenville (56), Greenwood (9), Horry (14), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (4), Laurens (4), Lee (3), Lexington (26), Marion (1), Marlboro (4), Newberry (3), Orangeburg (15), Pickens (2), Richland (39), Spartanburg (35), Sumter (6), Williamsburg (2), York (6)