COLUMBIA, SC (WBTW) – The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced Saturday 770 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 6 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 17,955 and those who have died to 599, according to SCDHEC.
Four deaths were in elderly people from Cherokee (1), Darlington (1), Greenville (1), and Richland (1) counties, and two deaths were in middle-aged people from Greenville (1) and Horry (1) counties, DHEC said.
The number of new cases by county are listed below:
Abbeville (1), Aiken (3), Anderson (10), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (25), Berkeley (17), Calhoun (3), Charleston (56), Cherokee (5), Chester (2), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (2), Colleton (14), Darlington (4), Dillon (2), Dorchester (14), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (23), Georgetown (18), Greenville (157), Greenwood (14), Horry (101), Kershaw (10), Lancaster (9), Laurens (8), Lexington (50), Marion (7), Marlboro (5), Newberry (2), Oconee (3), Orangeburg (21), Pickens (17), Richland (61), Spartanburg (41), Sumter (14), Union (2), Williamsburg (8), York (34)