Barbara Black: Remarkable Women Nominee

JOHNSONVILLE, SC – The moment you meet Dr. Barbara Black of Johnsonville it’s like seeing an angel on earth. Black knew at an early age she wanted to serve others so she became a nurse. “God put us here to love each other..we are the only hands and feet that God has here on earth, ” said Black.

But Black says God placed upon her heart a desire to do more and a vision to start the nonprofit, Lydia’s Bowels of Mercy, fondly known as Lydia’s Nest. “Because I am all about the eagles. I fly high above the storm. I want to train the eaglets to become eagles, and to fly high.”

Lydia’s Nest supports women and young children, and the homeless, in various ways. “I started taking it day by day, step by step, changing people’s lives just one life at a time.”

And as President of the Johnsonville Chamber of Commerce, she’s able to reach more people and help promote businesses and community spirit in her hometown. “Barbara goes above and beyond the call of duty to help different individuals all around the community. Barbara has a heart of gold, ” said Betty Daniels, owner of Betty’s Barber and Beauty School.

Black also has a special place in her heart for teenage moms. “First of all, they don’t know how to be moms maybe. They don’t have a job. So I just want to teach them first of all what it means to be a mom and a single parent and then I want to let them know they’re not alone. We’ve all done things. We’ve all made mistakes. But we can all move forward and move on,” said Black.

Black hopes to inspire others to also give their time, money or resources. She keeps the faith that one day she’ll have a building in Johnsonville to store donated items and where people can come when they need a helping hand. “I believe that God is going to have somebody to donate me a building.”

Pastor Dean Bailey of Johnsonville Church of God said, “She cares about people. And she loves people. She don’t just care about where they’re at now. But she cares about where they’re going to be in a month. And she cares about the community of Johnsonville.”

Like at Christmas when she dressed up as a “Christmas Angel” and went door to door delivering gifts to the elderly and spreading Christmas cheer.

Black’s also written a book, “God Heals the Broken,” about the murder of her sister, a victim of domestic violence. It’s a story of hope, healing, and forgiveness.

When asked what she hopes people learn from her, this was her response. “I hope they learn how to love and how to show love. That’s what it’s all about is just loving each other like brothers and sisters because that’s what we’re here for. That’s our purpose”

If you’d like to support Black’s efforts including a Back Pack drive currently underway or learn more about Lydia’s Nest visit https://lydiasnest.wixsite.com/helpcenter You may also email lydiasnest@yahoo.com or call 843-489-6007.