FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – More than one hundred people filled the seats inside the “Allie E. Brooks” auditorium at Wilson High School Sunday afternoon for its 150 year celebration.
Speakers at the celebration included state and city leaders and former employees.
The celebration started with a song by the Wilson High School Tiger Production.
Right now, there are about 1300 students who go to school there.
During its 150 years the school has had four locations.
The current location on Old Marion Highway opened 34 years ago.
A former employee who attended the celebration served as principal at Wilson High School for more than thirty years.
He also served as superintendent for Florence School District One.
“If someone would have told me after ten years after graduation I would become principal. I would’ve told them they were crazy, but this is a significant occasion…150 years and for this school particularly to still be in existence as one of five schools that existed during the years of segregation,” said FSD1 Superintendent Dr. Allie E. Brooks.
In addition the celebration, the school plans to host anniversary related events throughout the year.