GEORGETOWN, SC (WBTW) – Tuesday voters approved a bond referendum to raise $165 million to renovate and expand Georgetown County School District facilities and to improve technology.
As of Tuesday night, 36 of 39 precincts were reporting 78 percent of voters said yes while 22 percent voted no.
The improvements are slated to begin in the Spring/Summer of 2017. Based on the five-year projected completion date, improvements should be completed by 2022.
The last Bond Referendum was approved by voters on September 20, 1997 for $109,680,000. The proceeds of the 1997 referendum bonds were used to build seven new schools, make additions and renovations at nine schools and convert a high school building to an elementary school. The last payment on these bonds will be made in March 2020.
According to the Georgetown County School District, the proceeds will be used to finance the costs of constructing, improving, equipping, expanding, renovating or repairing the following facilities within the School District: Elementary Schools
Andrews Elementary Renovations
Brown’s Ferry Elementary Renovations
Kensington Elementary Renovations
Maryville Elementary Renovations
McDonald Elementary Additions and Renovations
Plantersville Elementary Renovations
Pleasant Hill Elementary Renovations
Sampit Elementary Additions and Renovations
Waccamaw Elementary RenovationsMiddle Schools
Carvers Bay Middle Renovations
Georgetown Middle Additions and Renovations
Rosemary Middle Renovations
Waccamaw Intermediate Additions and Renovations
Waccamaw Middle Additions and Renovations
High Schools
Andrews High Additions and Renovations
Carvers Bay High Additions and Renovations
Georgetown High Additions and Renovations
Waccamaw High Additions and RenovationsSupport Facilities
J.B. Beck Administration Additions and Renovations
Facilities Shops Additions and Renovations
Howard Adult Center Renovations
Mike Johnson Field Renovations
Coastal Montessori Renovations
Advanced Manufacturing Center Equipment