FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – The day after President Elect Donald Trump takes the oath of office, thousands of people will flood D.C for the ‘Women’s March on Washington’. The ‘Women’s March on Washington’ hopes to send a message to new government officials on the first day of office, that women’s rights are important.

 More than two dozen women from a new organization in Florence called the Action Together Pee Dee will travel to our nation’s capital to join the cause.

The group started the day after the election.  Dawn Larsen says men and women met at her house to talk about their concerns and fears with the incoming Trump administration.

After the meeting, they begin to organize and promote unity.


he group raised funds to put up a graphic billboard with messages like, “You are not alone.” “All races, All cultures, All orientations.”

The group received mixed reviews from the billboard campaign but gained more than 300 members in less than one month.

35 ladies from the Action Together Pee Dee group will travel overnight to D.C. for the Women’s March in Washington Saturday morning.

Larsen says the March is a platform for women to voice concerns about thinks like equal pay, women’s health and most importantly safety.

Larsen explained, “The Women’s March says to the incoming administration. Don’t forget about us because we won’t let you. “

“It isn’t necessarily a march against anything or anyone. It is more so, a march to support things we are concerned about,” she adds.

The Women’s March website estimates more than 1 million men and women will attend sister marches across the nation. Two women from Action Together Pee Dee will attend the sister March in Columbia.

Suzanne LaRochelle will travel to Columbia tonight to march. She hopes to have her voice heard on topics like equality, Planned Parenthood, and the affordable care act.

LaRochelle says, “All of these issues will directly impact the lives of women, of people who are not wealthy and as a result impact children.”

The Women’s March in Washington and Columbia will start at 10a.m.

For more information about the March visit https://www.womensmarch.com/