DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – Almost 100 people gathered at the Darlington County Airport Saturday morning to help find a clue that will lead to the whereabouts of 68 year-old Moise James.

James has been missing from his home since April 30, 2015. Family members say James had early stages of dementia.

The Darlington County Sheriffs Office say James’ bike is the only clue they have. It was found upside down by the airport and close to the woods.

The spokesperson for the Darlington County Sheriff’s office says since then they haven’t received  any new leads to the missing man.

Lt. Robert Kilgo says several veteran groups approached him and asked to continue the search for James.

Kilgo said, “That helps drive us to continue the search because there is so much momentum and a desire with the community at large to find Mr. James and return him to his family,”

The Darlington County airport is about five miles away from James’ home.

Dwight James says each day he thinks about what may have happened to his brother.

“We understand that it is an effort where one person just can’t do it all, so we appreciate what everybody is doing and showing their concern to help us because there is so many unanswered questions,” James mentioned.

James served in the Vietnam War and Desert Storm.

Crews are expected to continue the search around the airport until Saturday night.

If you have any information about the whereabouts of Moise James you are asked to contact the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office.