Take what you need, leave what you can.

At the corner of Tournament Boulevard and the McDowell Shortcut, Lana Guy put her first “Lana’s Little Pantry”.

Inside the Pantry you can find anything from granola bars, to hand soap waiting for someone in need.

Guy, who is also Miss Palmetto Teen, said she first learned about the importance of food security when she was in a movie about back pack buddies and farming for the future.

She tells News13 she was worried the pantry wouldn’t be used or people would take advantage of it, but says it has been a success so far.

“We’ve actually seen a lot of people take stuff out and pretty much all of the stuff in here is from the community,” Guy said. “So it’s a great way to get other people involved in helping out also.”

Guy will compete in the Miss South Carolina’s Outstanding Teen pageant at the end of the month and hopes to add more pantries across the Grand Strand soon.