FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) –  Ruiz Foods, a producer of frozen food and snack products, is expanding its Florence County operations.

Tuesday morning, the company announced the $79 million investment is expected to create 705 new jobs over the next several years.

In a press release, Ruiz Foods announced it will be adding another production line to its South Carolina manufacturing facility immediately and also mentioned there are plans in the works to add additional lines in the next seven years.

Governor Henry McMaster was present at the press conference Tuesday.

“South Carolina is a handshake state. When someone gives you their word here, you can take it to the bank and that’s very important to people who invest  multi-millions of dollars, sometimes hundreds of millions, into a new plant or expansion in South Carolina,” Gov. Henry McMaster said. “Their values are things that are important to them are the same things that are important to South Carolinians and that is commitment to family and a commitment to community.”

The Coordinating Council for Economic Development has approved job development credits related to this project. A $1 million Closing Fund grant was awarded to Florence County to assist with the costs of building construction.

Hiring for the new positions is already underway, and interested applicants should send resumes to FlorenceJobs@RuizFoods.com or visit the SC Tech Jobs website for more information.

According to the press release from the company, El Monterey is the flagship frozen Mexican food brand for Ruiz Foods and the top-selling brand of frozen Mexican food in the United States. Tornados, also distributed nationally, is the company’s snack brand and a leader on convenience store roller grills. Ruiz Foods produces these items in California, South Carolina and Texas, employing nearly 3,600 people nationwide.