The Myrtle Beach community continues to mourn the loss of Missy Norket,a 54 year old woman who loved ones say passed away from pneumonia that was brought on from the flu.
She died on February 12, and her sister Chrisie Jollie told News 13 she had only been sick for a few days after getting the initial flu diagnosis from a local med clinic in Myrtle Beach.
Childhood friend, Amy Stack says Norket was a true Myrtle Beach girl and has lived here her whole life.
“She loved hard, played hard, lived hard.” Stack said. “Now we are telling friends now if you are sick, if you are feeling chest compression, go, go now, it’s now worth it, because there’s a city in mourning now.”
Growing up helping in her grandparents flower shop La Zelle’s, Missy known was known for making special deliveries. A friend from high-school, Linda Moore said she was always performing kind acts for people.
“Any time I needed flowers for my mom who was in assisted living, Missy was there. She would make sure she would deliver them personaly to my mom, hugged her and walked them to her room.” Moore said.
Another longtime friend, Tammie Sessions said she recently went on vacation with Missy where they rode their motorcycles together.
“She lived her life every day like it was her last day, and we went on vacation together, we rode through the mountains and I’m just really going to miss her she is one of the best friends I’ve ever had.” Sessions said.