COLUMBIA, S.C. (WBTW) — DHEC announced Friday a record 770 new cases of COVID-19 along with 5 new deaths.
This brings the total number of positive cases to date to 17,170 and the total number of deaths to 593.
County breakdown:
- Horry: 88 new
- Marion: 3 new
- Dillon: 5 new
- Marlboro: 6 new
- Darlington: 4 new
- Florence: 20 new
- Georgetown: 15 new
New cases in all counties: Aiken (5), Anderson (11), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (33), Berkeley (9), Calhoun (3), Charleston (54), Cherokee (8), Chester (1) Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (6), Colleton (12), Darlington (4), Dillon (5), Dorchester (9), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (20), Georgetown (15), Greenville (142), Greenwood (24), Horry (88), Jasper (2), Kershaw (16), Lancaster (2), Laurens (11), Lee (1), Lexington (61), Marion (3), Marlboro (6), Newberry (3), Oconee (3), Orangeburg (11), Pickens (20), Richland (73), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (44), Sumter (23), Union (1), Williamsburg (5), York (22)