COLUMBIA, S.C. (WBTW) — DHEC announced 687 new COVID-19 cases Thursday along with 13 new deaths.
This brings the total number of cases to date to 16,441 and the total number of deaths to 588. Dr. Duwve said 12.5% of tests performed Wednesday came back positive, which is high. She also said the percent positive has been over 12% for each of the last several days.
40% of all of South Carolina’s cases have been reported over the past three weeks, Dr. Duwve said.
County breakdown:
- Horry: 47 new
- Marion: 4 new
- Dillon: 2 new
- Marlboro: 5 new
- Darlington: 8 new
- Florence: 22 new
- Georgetown: 15 new
New cases in all counties: Aiken (6), Abbeville (39), Anderson (7), Bamberg (3), Beaufort (24), Berkeley (20), Calhoun (1), Charleston (45), Chester (3), Chesterfield (7), Cherokee (1), Clarendon (9), Colleton (6), Darlington (8), Dillon (2), Dorchester (10), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (3), Florence (22), Georgetown (15), Greenville (125), Greenwood (36), Hampton (5), Horry (47), Jasper (2), Kershaw (8), Lancaster (10), Laurens (9), Lexington (52), Marion (4), Marlboro (5), Newberry (1), Oconee (6), Orangeburg (13), Pickens (14), Richland (69), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (9), Sumter (45), Williamsburg (8), York (21)