Local law enforcement agencies are sharing tips to keep residents, and their belongings, safe this holiday season. 

The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office says in a press release people can take the following steps to protect themselves, and their property, during the holiday shopping season:

  • “Control your social status: Though it might be tempting to tell the world about your holiday travels or shopping sprees, resist the urge to broadcast that you are not going to be home. Many people cannot seem to wait to let everyone on Facebook or Twitter know that they are about to leave and this is a dangerous thing to share.”
  • “Protect your purchases: While shopping, lock purchases in your trunk or cover them up. Leaving bags of gifts in plain sight gives a green light to thieves, even if the door is locked.”
  • “Parking safety: Be aware of where you park your vehicle. If it is during daylight hours, park it where it is constantly being seen by somebody. Don’t try to hide it because the place you may choose will be a perfect location for a break-in. During the night, if possible, park in an area with a lot of light; light is an enemy of thieves.”
  • “Neighborhood awareness: Be aware of anyone who looks suspicious roaming your neighborhood. Call the Sheriff’s Office if you suspect someone.”

The Lake City Police Department provided safety tips in a post on their Facebook page. These include tips about parking, making payments, returning to your vehicle, and online shopping.

  • Parking: “Park your vehicle in a well-lit area away from large objects. Lock your vehicle. Never leave keys in the vehicle or leave it running unattended, especially when a child is still in the vehicle or pumping gas. Hide all purchases in the trunk or use blankets to conceal them.”
  • Payment: “Using a credit card is the safest method of payment. Only keep cash on you in the amount necessary. If you need to enter a PIN, shield the keypad from bystanders. Save the most expensive purchases for last so they are in your vehicle only for a short period of time.”
  • Returning to your vehicle:
    • “Stay off your phone to avoid distraction. Locate your keys before leaving the store. Check the backseat before entering your vehicle. Upon entering, lock your doors immediately. Change parking locations each time you return to your vehicle.”
    • “Con artists may try to distract you to steal your money or belongings. Be wary of anyone approaching you needing ‘quick cash’ or offering you a large check for a smaller amount of cash. Consider shopping with a partner since criminals are more likely to target someone shopping alone. If possible, avoid bringing children shopping as they can hinder your safety by diverting your attention.”
  • Online shopping: 
    • “Look for the ‘secure’ icon in the address bar, or check that the website address begins with ‘https.'”
    • “Avoid phishing scams by typing the address of the website instead of clicking a link.”
    • “Only shop with companies you know and trust” and “avoid public Wi-Fi when shopping from a mobile device.”
    • “Ensure packages will be delivered to a person at a home or office, or opt to pick up the package at a store.”
    • Once packages arrive, police suggest to “always keep your doors and windows locked,” “keep blinds or curtains closed to ensure merchandise and gifts are not visible from outside,” “break down large boxes for high-value items instead of placing them near the roadside,” “place all trash in black or dark-colored garbage bags,” and to “avoid any social media posts indicating you are not home.”