MYRTLE BEACH ,S.C. (WBTW) — Derek and Chris reveal their final blitz top ten rankings from the 2019 high school football season. Power Myrtle Beach remained at the top from week zero all the way through to week ten.
The SCHSL and SCISA playoffs will get going this Friday, Nov. 8.
- Myrtle Beach (9-0)
- Carolina Forest (8-1)
- Aynor (9-0)
- Green Sea Floyds (8-1)
- Dillon (8-1)
- Scotland County (NC) (9-1)
- Lamar (8-2)
- Trinity-Byrnes (10-2)
- Hartsville (7-3)
- Andrews (8-1)
- Myrtle Beach (9-0)
- Green Sea Floyds (8-1)
- Aynor (9-0)
- Carolina Forest (8-1)
- Dillon (8-1)
- Trinity-Byrnes (10-2)
- Scotland Co. (9-1)
- Hartsville (7-3)
- Lamar (8-2)
- Wilson (8-2)