MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Myrtle Beach Police have made an arrest in an attempted rape that occurred nearly four years ago behind a construction building, according to a police report.

The incident report obtained by News13 details how the victim was leaving her apartment at Carolina Breeze around 2:45 p.m. on May 27, 2012. The victim told police she stopped to speak with an acquaintance, who was walking with a man she had never seen.
After a few moments of talking, the victim told the two men she was headed to the Alliance Inn. The man whom she had never met, later identified as Tony Nevail Myers, 34, offered to walk with her as he was headed to meet friends on Dunbar Street, the report states.
As the two walked, Myers repeatedly told the victim she was very pretty and sexy. The victim told police after they crossed over Hwy 501 and headed north on Cedar Street, Myers’ demeanor began to change. He reportedly told the victim “I’m gonna take that,” and “I get what I want,” before attempting to drag her by her shorts behind the Dargan Construction Building, located at 900 8th Avenue North.
The woman told police that she fought to get Myers off of her and began yelling “rape” and “help me,” in attempts to get a passing car to stop. Myers bit the victim on her hand, according to the report, before standing. The victim continued to yell, and a witness began walking toward the construction building, according to the report.
Myers ran away after seeing the witness, and was arrested Monday, some 44 months later, on one count of sexual assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct third degree.