WASHINGTON (MEDIA GENERAL) – Three days after South Carolina Republicans sent Donald Trump’s campaign from front-runner to presumptive nominee, Nevada GOP voters will head to their caucus sites Tuesday night.

On Tuesday, within just hours of the caucuses beginning, the Trump, Rubio, and Cruz campaigns held events across the Silver state. The latest polls showed the Trump campaign would likely walk away from Nevada with a win but the position for second place winner remained a toss-up.

GOP Nevada Standings

Feb. 14- Feb. 15 (Gravis Marketing)

Trump: 39%

Cruz: 23%

Rubio: 19%

Kasich: 9%

Carson: 5%

Less crowded field

The departure of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush could help the Rubio and Cruz campaigns gain ground with new supporters. During Saturday’s election night speech, Mr. Bush declined to endorse another candidate. Republicans are set to debate once again before Super Tuesday, CNN is hosting a debate in Texas on Thursday when at least a dozen states will head to the polls.

It’s all about delegates

The latest delegate count, which is how the Republican nominee is chosen, shows the Trump campaign with a lead. The latest delegate count, without Nevada’s results:

Trump: 67

Cruz: 11

Rubio: 10

Kasich: 5

Carson: 3

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