We all share the same goal: the best possible care for our families and loved ones as they age. But as we age, legal and health care issues become far more complicated, and the tasks of legal planning and caregiving can quickly become overwhelming to many families.
In recent years, both the legal and health care professions have recognized these issues and have developed specialty practices, managed by professionals with expertise in the fields of Elder Law, Geriatric Care Management and Hospice Care, designed to help families identify, plan and implement the best care for their situation. But how do you find these professionals, and how do you evaluate their services?
First United Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach is pleased to sponsor a program on April 28 to help you understand the challenges that many of our citizens face or will face as they age, and to identify and select someone to help when the time comes.
Katheryn Cook DeAngelo, Esq., Certified Elder Law Attorney, of Surfside Beach is the first attorney in South Carolina to be certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. Ms. DeAngelo will discuss what “elder law” is, and describe how you can better identify and select an elder law attorney to advise you regarding your own unique and specific legal needs.
Anita G. Baker, RN, BSN, CMC, President of AGB and Associates, LLC of Pawleys Island is a Geriatric Care Manager certified by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Mrs. Baker will discuss the benefits of Care Management and explain how families can use care managers to help research, implement and manage ongoing health care services and providers, gaining peace of mind and maximizing available resources.
Carolyn Phillips, RN, BSN, is Patient Care Coordinator for Heartland Hospice in Myrtle Beach. She will explain the concept of Hospice Care, including eligibility guidelines and an overview of services provided and describe how hospice services can provide physical and spiritual comfort to patients and families facing end-of-life decisions.
Legal and Health Care Resources for Seniors and Their Families
First United Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach
In the Wesley Fellowship Hall
11 a.m., April 28, 2015