One year after the Town of Latta fought to get its police chief back, Chief Crystal Moore received a major honor this past weekend.
A 20 plus year veteran of the Latta Police Department, Moore will now have to make a little room.
“It shows that determination, strong will and never giving up and not changing who you are for anybody. You can do anything,” said Moore as she held her award.
By now you’re familiar with the story that brought the town together when their police chief needed them the most.
“Because of one person’s hate towards me and now realize that my gosh…you know I’ve been to places I’ve would have never been representing and talking to people about what happened to me,” she mentioned.
“I was astonished by the level of support,” Moore added.
It was of a span of nearly two months that saw the town’s mayor fire and town council later rehire Chief Moore.
Mayor Earl Bullard said he fired Moore because she had seven reprimands in one day, but Moore said he fired her because she’s openly gay.
A year later, she is center stage in New York City. On Saturday she was presented with a 2015 GLAAD award for a story that captivated many.
“Michael Sam was right behind me and we talked and hugged. And he said I am so proud of you and I went, I’m proud you,” Moore said smiling.
Moore admitted that she had not flown before making the trip to New York, but now is quite comfortable on cloud nine.
“I wasn’t in this by myself. One man caused it and the whole town stood up. I wish I could’ve took all of them to New York City with me,” she explained.
Last November, Latta Town Council passed an ordinance that protects anyone who identifies as LGBT from workplace discrimination.
It’s the smallest town in the state to do so.
On Thursday, Chief Moore plans to make a trip to the statehouse where lawmakers will discuss a statewide non-discrimination bill and speak in front of a senate committee.