Tuesday, Horry County Council voted in favor of raising taxes to help balance the fiscal year 2015 budget as well as put more money towards county employees and operations.

The tax increase would be 7.2 mills or $28 per $100,000 households.

“Barely paying the bills; we can’t pay the bills because we’re going into fund balance. If we don’t quit going into fund balance which he {Finance Department Heady Barry Spivey} shows by 2017 we’re at zero we’re going to have to start borrowing our money just to make our payroll; we’re not doing our job,” said County Chairman Mark Lazarus.

Out of $13.5 million the proposed millage increase would raise, around $8 million would go to the county’s reserve funds.

The other $5 million will be split up between first responders and a pay raise for all county employees.

“We need more police. We need to get rid of some of this violent crime. We need to get rid of these gangs,” said Lazarus.

Some of that $5 million will go towards purchasing body cameras and hiring more detectives as well as increasing the solicitor’s office staff and addressing the high volume of calls EMS receives.

The biggest portion, about $3 million, would go to county employee raises.

However, not all council members were in favor of a tax hike for salary raises.

“This is not good. And the people paying their bills don’t like it,” said Council Member Harold Worley.

The budget just passed second reading; with six in favor and five against.

Council member Gary Loftus, who voted in favor, said he was not for the whole 7.2 mills increase.

He says he plans to look over the numbers and present another option to council before third reading on June 16th.

In addition to the millage increase, council approved other budget amendments designed to bring in more money.

Including building permit increases.

The county also deferred a vote on paid time off for employees.