MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW): There was an energy to the boardwalk as the large crowds continue to grow with each passing Sunday.

“I think we’ve had a fantastic turnout every week,” Sara Horner Ground Zero Development Director said.

Ground Zero brought back the Sunday Celebration Concert Series this year after taking last summer off. The event is free to those who attend however the concerts aren’t free to put on.

“It’s just a bunch of ministry minded organizations coming together to reach the community through music,” Horner said.

Sara says without their connection with Hampton Inn and Suites Ocean Front Resort and Downtown Ministries as well as radio partners K-Love and His Radio, this type of event would not be possible.

Pastor Dave Hawkins of downtown ministries gives the message each week between the acts. It is one connected with the music he hopes reaches those who planned to attend and those who may causally pass by on the boardwalk.

Pastor Dave Hawkins/Downtown Ministries

“You capture people with music,” Hawkins said. “I hope they walk away with away with an understanding of how much God loves them.”

Arm in arm they stand or united with hands lifting towards the heavens. It’s these moments of religious reflection that make the commitment from those behind the scenes and in front of the microphone all worth it on a Sunday by the shore.

“People carry a lot of burdens,” Mike Donehey lead singer of Tenth Avenue North said. “Our whole goal of a band is to lift those burdens and help people find freedom.”

The concerts continue for the next three weeks down on the boardwalk. They are scheduled to start at 7 p.m. each night and are free to attend.  Patrons can bring lawn chairs and/or blankets to enjoy the night.July 12: Audio Adrenaline and Ryan StevensonJuly 19: Colton Dixon and ColeyJuly 26: Hawk Nelson and Rhett Walker Band