The Kentucky high school student in a controversial viral video is taking legal action against the Washington Post.

The Hemmer Defrank Wessels law firm has filed a lawsuit against the newspaper on behalf of Nicholas Sandmann. The suit is seeking $250 million in damages.

Sandmann was at the annual “March For Life” Rally in Washington last month, wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

He was captured on video smiling as Omaha Tribe elder Nathan Phillips played a drum and chanted.

After the images spread rapidly, especially on social media, Sandmann was accused of bigotry.

Opinions changed for some when another video of a group of black men, self-identified as Hebrew Israelites, taunting Sandmann’s group appeared.

According to the lawsuit, the Post “Wrongfully targeted and bullied Nicholas because he was the white Catholic student wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ souvenir cap.”

A spokeswoman for the Post said the paper is reviewing the matter and will “mount a vigorous defense.”

Sandmann said he was trying to ease tensions by smiling at Phillips and denied any racist behavior.